My Husband

My Husband
In Memory

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Missing you today

Have you every loved someone so passionately, that when they're gone, you feel as if you can never let go?  I'm not sure that I can.  I loved him so very much.

I know he loved me in his own way, but I loved him more than life itself. I worshiped the ground he stood on. Why did he leave me? Why didn't he stay?

There isn't anything that I can do or say to bring him back to me.

Sometimes I feel like someone took a razor and cut my heart into so many pieces, like confetti. There's not enough thread in the world to mend it back.

I'll never be able to hold him in my arms again. I'll never be able to kiss his soft lips.  I'll never be able to hold his beautiful hands again. I'll never hear him laugh.

My heart aches with pain. My heart just breaks. Oh God, why did you let him do this?

We made a beautiful child together. You left her. She gave us 4 beautiful grand sons. You left them! You left me! You left everyone who loved you!

I don't know how to live without you. My life as it was with you, will never be the same again.  And right now, I really hate my life.

I really don't know how to live without you, but I'm trying. You never leave my mind, not ever.  The images of when I last saw you have been branded on my brain.

I miss you so much!