My Husband

My Husband
In Memory

Sunday, November 11, 2012

I have so much anger boiling inside of  me right now at my husband for what he did,  that I feel like I'm just going to explode! 

If I had a gun I'd shoot a tree over and over and over! But I don't. I don't even like guns. I wish I had a lot of unwanted glass so I could throw them all against a tree and break them!

I feel like a volcano, just boiling away and soon I'm going to erupt! I just don't want to take it out on someone else.

I wish I could go somewhere to be alone until after the first of the year is over.

I guess this is what happens when you start getting angry at your loved one?

My own flesh and blood and others blame me for my husbands death!

I don't know how much more I can take of this.

One of the several reasons that I don't like going to church is because there are too many hypocrites! I can't stand hypocrites. They all think they are better than everyone else, but they are not! They hurt you, say bad things about you, never help you, then go to church and be all righteous!

Is this what it feels like when you finally get good and mad?

I'm just so angry right now.........